7 C H A K R A S C A N D L E S : 7 scented candles for 7 chakras encased in a mushrooms carbon negative packaging that is our manifesto to share a world without plastics is possible.
L I G H T S C U L P T U R E S : In collaboration with Sculptor Katharina Kaminski, AMEN created two sculptures: Hikari and Philo, and a new 375g Luz Candle. While the sculptures and Luz Candles can be purchased separately, the Luz Candle has been designed to be purchased together and fit inside the nest of the sculptures, so the sculpture becomes a light sculpture, a Luminous Being.
A M E N P I C A S S O : 7 scented candles for 7 chakras encased in a mushrooms carbon negative packaging that is our manifesto to share a world without plastics is possible.